Friday, September 21, 2012

View From The Front Porch-Stan Hitchcock-September 21, 2012

Well, an unusual happening on this special day for the Hitchcock Family. About 10,000 Starlings descended on our little piece of Heaven, covering the trees that surround the old farm house. The mass of birds, chattering and singing Starling music, made a wall of sound louder than a 1970's Motown recording played at full blast. Denise and I stood on the deck in wonder as the concert went on for about 45 seconds, then they all arose in a rush of wings and formed a cloud of birds that covered the morning sky, the exit lasting about 1 minute. When they had faded out of sight it left us just breathless in wonder. I have witnessed the massing of Starlings, in Tennessee at this time of year, in the past but never where they descended around me like that. It was mighty nice of them to fly in and do the little concert, and I'm not mad at the little love bundles that they left, covering my old '57 Chevy Pickup. Shoot, white and blue speckled is a real nice color combination. Well, excuse me I got to go wash the truck.    -Stan

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