Monday, September 30, 2013

Stan's Pictures and Stories from Wide Open Bluegrass 2013

9/25/2013  Well, we just arrived in Raleigh, NC for the World Of Bluegrass Celebration. Drove in rain the entire time, and heavy fog through the Smokies and Blue Ridge Mountains, but, hey, we are here so what difference does a little rain and fog make. Looking forward to meeting and greeting lots of music friends and fans. BlueHighwaysTV is one of the sponsors, and we pretty well blanket both North and South Carolina. I will give y'all updates each day as i view it all, from the Convention Floor, The Bluegrass Awards Show and the Concerts that happen all over non stop for the duration of the Convention. Just kick back and pretend that you are here with Denise and I, and we'll enjoy some good music and fellowship. We can make "Keep On The Sunnyside" our theme song as we journey through the week of music. Never worry, never fear, the Front Porch Man is always here, to bring you stories, news and songs, and a little cheer, as we go along, hang in with me, you classic fan, good things are coming, from your neighbor. -Stan

9/26/2013  Just back to the room to change into my big boy clothes for the Awards Show. Denise will look lovely in her big girl dress. Our Partner, Ronnie Reno, got the Media Award for his Television Show. I am proud to say that I helped him start that Reno's Old Time Music Festival in 1993, and he has taken it to great success. We have been brothers in music for an awful long time now...and partners in several music ventures. Congratulations Ronnie Reno. Here are pictures of the Convention Booth Area, and pictures of our Booth with Denise and Ronnie meeting and greeting, while I just stumble around and try to keep out of trouble as much as possible. Had a good visit with Doyle Lawson and Bobby Osborne, and many, many others as banjos and mandolins and fiddles and guitars and high tenor voices all blend together in a cacophony of sound that only Bluegrass can produce. I will get some pictures at the Award Show.  Stan

Visited with a lot of friends, but didn't get many pictures because we all were so busy. Here are some, however, with favorite people. Doyle Lawson, Marty Raybon, Del McCoury , plus our BHTV Crew of Ronnie Reno, Denise and Alan McLaughlin. Conventions, where you have a booth to work and an endless schedule of meetings and conversations, can be pretty exhausting.

Ricky Skaggs and Kentucky Thunder closing the show...and the great Sam Bush, Mandolin player and Band Leader, visiting before the show.

9/27/2013  Bluegrass is about family, and about Faith. I love it and it takes me back to the Classic Country Music days, when our people dressed for the show...not for the exposure of body parts. Are we Family or are we MTV? Are we decent, God Trusting People, or have we just gone along with the World of Rock and Roll...and is Miley Cyrus our new Queen of the Ball?

At BlueHighways TV, we believe in standing for something good. Every morning I pray, "Lord, use us for something good today." It's not Rocket Science or Brain Surgery....we simply adhere to our basic Faith in God, and are unashamed in our lifestyle that matches it.

Raleigh, North Carolina, we feel like we have come home to people that share our basic values. God Bless Us All. Stan

Another good day of celebrating Bluegrass music, with old friends.

9/28/2013 Here were two of the great acts that I brought on stage this morning. Audie Blaylock and Redline and Dale Ann Bradley and Band. The were absolutely great and the crowd loved them. The Festivities wind down tonight, as we will be loading up our booth and Denise and I driving back to the old Farm House early in the morning.   

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