Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Stan Hitchcock-View From The Front Porch-May 29, 2013

In the early morning, just before the sun comes over the hill, hitting the tops of the Sycamore trees along the creek, it seems like Old Buck The Collie and myself have the whole world, just to ourselves. Like the old Christmas poem says, "Not A Creature Was Stirring, Not Even A Mouse". but then the birds start their chorus, Old Buck, who has been watching for just this moment, senses a deer, moving quietly along the creek, going back to the deep woods for the day, after a night of grazing in our yards, or (heaven forbid),, somebody's fresh planted garden. Buck, who has had a night of eternal vigil, emits a half hearted "WOOF", and decides to let this one go.

And so it has been, since the earliest history of man and beast, a man sitting in the early dawn, his faithful dog at his feet, partners in the struggle of life, each dependent, in some way, on the other, content in their companionship.

You sometimes wonder just what your dog is thinking....

(Old Buck The Collie)...

Well, there's another one of them dang deer...I chased that one out of the yard a dozen times last night...almost had him once I think, but then I got to thinking...what am I gonna do with him if I catch him? He's a lot bigger than me, and he's got them big old sharp horns on his head...yeah, I'll just slow down a little and bark..let him go on. Come to think of it, some fresh deer meat would be a welcome change from that old dry stuff the Woman gives me every morning. Boy, if it wasn't for that road kill I sometimes find life would sure be boring. Ok, ok, she does give me the treats every day and the Alpha Male man sneaks me a pork chop or hot dog, sometimes...hmmm, and it is nice to lay here at his feet in the quiet of the morning and get my ears scratched. Dad-blame it, there's another deer down in the creek...they use it like a highway...I'll have to go chase this one a little or the Alpha Male man will think I'm past my prime...he's liable to replace me with one of them little yapper dogs like his brother has got when he visits. Them things are no good for nothing! All they want to do is lay in people's laps and lick themselves. Shoot, when I lick myself, I at least try to do it in private when the old man's not lookin', and I'd look pretty silly sitting on a lap, and real dogs don't yap...they bark deep and rough like me.

These humans don't have any idea how dangerous it is around here in the black of night. All kinds of critters sneak around in the dark...elephants, tigers, bears, you name it...they are all out there. I ain't never caught one but I know they are there, if it wasn't for me barking all night they would take over. Well...maybe I could kinda take a little snooze now that the sun is coming over the mountain...yeah, let the old man take the watch for awhile.......

Old Buck The Collie and the Alpha Male, just another morning in Paradise.

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