Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Stan Hitchcock-View From The Front Porch-June 1, 2013

Making do, with triumphs, blessings and disasters. Not easy, with the dial spinning from left to right-triumphs-disasters...but the important item, in the middle of it all...BLESSINGS. When you have had a successful adventure, a triumph in your life, it's easy to see that is a blessing. The thankfulness that you show for the blessing of a triumph, may determine when your next triumph or victory is going to come. God loves a thankful heart. I don't believe He cares too much for an Ego that says, "Look what I did all by myself!" Let your triumphs draw you closer to God, with thankfulness.

You say you have a hard time seeing a blessing in a disaster? Just a few minutes ago, I was over at a friends barn, picking up some hay for my horses. I knew his dear wife had been battling cancer. We had loaded the hay, and I turned to him and asked about his wife. "Stan, we are counting the days and maybe the hours." Tears came to my eyes, as I felt his pain. I managed to get out, "I'm so sorry." Then the blessing came. This man, who has been taking care of her, with undying love, fighting the cancer together so bravely, smiled and said, "She is going to a place so beautiful, we can't even imagine. She is so ready to see it, and I just have to let her go." Faith, in time of disaster and loss, is a blessing from God. It is what lifts us from the brink of hopelessness, and gives us new hope to see us through. My friend is so right, she is going to a place, prepared for us who believe, that is so beautiful...no tears in Heaven, no sorrow given...all will be Joy in that day.

The blessing in disaster? God's arms around you, and His voice saying, "My Child, it will be alright, I will get you through all this Trust Me, there is an end of pain just ahead. Come, let me lead you beside the Still Water. Surely, Goodness and Mercy Shall Follow You, All The Days Of Your Life....And you will dwell in the House Of The Lord, Forever."


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