Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Stan Hitchcock-View From The Front Porch-June 3, 2013

Beautiful clear, cool morning in Tennessee. Birds are really happy about it, after all the rain we have had, wearing wet feathers gets tiresome pretty fast.
It has been a very wet Spring, and because of that the trees and grass is the greenest I've seen in years.

The first hay cutting is showing beautiful big bales of hay in the fields, and the fields of grain and corn looks like a great Farmer year. After several years of droughts in parts of the South and West, hopefully the water levels will get back to normal, and the folks that till the earth and raise the livestock to feed the world will catch a break.
As a teenager, growing up in the Ozarks on a working farm, I remember the drought that hit the Southwest and Midwest in the 50's, reaching the area where we lived, 14 miles North of Springfield, in 1952 and going on through 1955. It's a terrible thing to watch your land burn up, starving for rain, hay prices going through the roof, cattle prices dropping like a rock, corn stalks that don't grow corn, grain fields that turn brown and die.

But Farmers have been surviving such weather catastrophes since time began, it is no life for a quitter. Farmers have been picking up the pieces and going on in hard times, 'cause that's what Farmers do.

Maybe this will be a year of bounty and plenty, where the crops come in on time, the fields are dry enough to harvest, the prices hold and the ones who toil the soil will be rewarded for their hard work. As a son of those who work the land, for as far back in my lineage as I can go, I feel the connection to those that till, and harvest, and breed and tend to those animals and crops that feed our families. God Bless Us All.   

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