Monday, June 17, 2013

Stan Hitchcock-View From The Front Porch-June 15, 2013

I saw a tv in the big window of Heer's Department Store, on the square in Springfield, MO, around 1952, but didn't have access to one until I got on board my ship in the Navy in 1955. I saw right off that I was gonna like it. Our home base for the ship was Long Beach, CA, and they had The Town Hall Party country music show on local tv, and on Saturday night I could watch back home The Ozark Jubilee with Red Foley. Exactly 10 years later, I had my own, "Stan Hitchcock Show" all across the country on Saturday afternoon. I just figured, maybe, this was what I was supposed to do in, I did. And I still do. But now, with cable tv, satellite tv, wi-fi, internet delivered tv, movies and tv on your cell phone, laptop and I-Pads and every other device you can imagine, and a few that your can't, the world wide reach of entertainment is staggering. Seems a long time, since that 16 year old kid from the Ozarks, stood on the sidewalk on a Fall day in '52 and watched a flickering image on a tiny screen in a store window, and thought, "Wow, how in the world do they do that?" Well, for the next sixty or so years, I been searching for that answer. I think I finally figured it out. They got these little bitty people...they stick them inside that boxy thing that sits in the living room...and the rest is magic. stan

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