Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Stan Hitchcock-View From The Front Porch-June 11, 2013

Well, it is a beautiful morning in Tennessee, cool and with a cloudless sky.
That is, after the storms moved through all afternoon, yesterday.

Tornadoes hit a farm, just North of here and tore it all to pieces, also to the Southeast of us and to the West. At one point we were pretty well surrounded by the Devil Winds. Hail hit us, but small enough that we did not have any damage. A few limbs off trees, but other than that we came through untouched. The Tent people had gotten the big Tent, for the Wedding Party, down and packed away before the storms hit, or it would have been a mess. Far as I know, there were no injuries, although the farm family were in the house when it collapsed around them, but all climbed out safely.

This morning it is a good coffee drinking time for me, and dog biscuit time for old Buck The Collie, as we both enjoy the bird symphony from the Sycamores along the creek. The Robins are on the ground, in front of the porch, after some good, fresh worms, while the Wrens are gathered around their feeder having breakfast. The Mockingbirds continue to try to outdo each other with new tunes, and the Mourning Doves add the bass line, with their "Oooo, Oooo, Oooo".

We had a good day, at BlueHighways TV, yesterday. We added 1.5 Million
new viewers to our network with Bright House Cable. It is a God Blessing.
As David said, in the Psalms, "Those That Wait Upon The Lord, Shall Renew Their Strength". And, while we wait, just keep on a'working.

God bless us all, on this 11th day of June, 2013.


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