Friday, July 19, 2013

Stan Hitchcock-View From The Front Porch-July 18, 2013

Well, another great morning to count my blessings.

#1-I am Alive. The blessing of life is above all other blessings, because it means that you are still available to be used by God for Good, according to His purpose. My Faith in God is first and foremost.

#2-I have a Christian Wife, who supports me in every way possible and who makes it a joy to wake up beside her every morning. Also, I still have my mind and memory in a reasonable intact condition. Sure, I sometimes have to ask Denise, "Uh, what was that person's name?"...or other pertinent questions of the day, because wives are the keeper of all information, to be passed on to the idiot husband, as needed, on top of all their other chores and duties that good wives do so wonderfully.

#3-I have Family and Friends and Extended Family that encourage me and pray for me and always want the very best for me in all kinds of situations. I have Lifetime Friends that have been on the journey with me since it started. Friends that I might not see or talk to for years at a time, but who are there with their support in whatever way is needed.

Let me give you an example. Jerry Sullivan, is just such a friend. Jerry and Tammy Sullivan are two of my favorites in a music business that has many such wonderful people, but Jerry is just exceptional. At the final years when I was running CMT, 1989 and 1990, Denise and I lost a son to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. At the same time, there was a behind the scenes move to take over CMT and take it in another direction. I was under tremendous pressure and not in any shape to fight the battle. Jerry Sullivan and I had become friends from his appearance on my Heart to Heart Show and through our mutual friend Marty Stuart. One day, at my CMT office, I reached over and picked up the phone and called Jerry Sullivan. We talked a moment and I asked him to keep me in his prayers, because Jerry Sullivan is one of the strongest prayer warriors that I have ever met. Jerry said he would keep me in his prayers and assured me of his love and support. Well, the battle for CMT finally went to the big money guys, but we were able to survive and live through it, and the terrible pain of loss from our sons passing at least became manageable, through God's Grace and Healing Power. Fast Forward 5 years. I had not seen Jerry Sullivan since that last phone call for prayer. Jerry came to do a show I was producing in Branson called The Old Country Church, he and Tammy singing the songs that Jerry had written and blessing everyone around. Jerry called me aside and said, "Stan, you asked me to pray for you back awhile ago, and I want you to know that every week at our church we have special prayer for you doin'?" "Jerry, we are doing fine, now, your prayers have worked!" Now, that is an amazing friend, one that will pray for you 5 years, and not stop til he knows that you are alright. What a blessing it is.
I have many friends that are strong like that, strong in the Faith and strong as Friends forever. I am sure it is what has kept me going, against all odds, prayers of friends matter.

#4-Then, I will have to say, this old Farm House where we have resided now for over 15 years, finishing raising our son Scott here, and now have a good place for the Grand kids, friends and neighbors to gather when they want. It has been a long time rebuilding the old house and making it into our own space, but what a pleasure to do it through the years.

So, that is what I do, when I first get up and have that cup of Joe and sit with Old Buck on the front porch to watch the Sun come up. Blessing Counting is a strength builder, it takes you out of the stress and worry of everyday living, cleans your mind for the day, and sets your sights on a positive plane. How could anyone ask for anything more than what I have mentioned? If you have a longer list of what you wish you had, rather than the list of blessings that you have, then your priorities are just a little off, I reckon. The glass is always half full, not half empty, at the Hitchcock home. Thank You Lord for all Your many blessings.   Stan

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