Monday, September 9, 2013

Stan Hitchcock-View From The Front Porch-September 8, 2013

At the other end of my life...when I was growing up and just beginning the journey, I was oblivious as to what I might become, what direction I would follow, what plan did God have in store for Stan Hitchcock....

I am a firm believer in the notion that God has a plan for every life, I don't believe in luck or happenstance, I believe that there is a way that we are meant to follow, and only our own bull-headedness sometimes causes us to get sidetracked.

Looking back, from this vantage point, it is easier to discern the Hand Of God directing my path. It's also apparent the times when I was bull-headed and tried to go in a different direction and God had to draw me back. Just like any Father working with a headstrong child, teaching that child that submission to a Father's Love is the proper course. Sometimes the child gives in to the Love, other times they rebel and the result is hurts the child and it hurts the Father. So it is with our Heavenly Father, after all we are made in His image.

I am Thankful that God chose me for a life of Music. He put a song in my heart and it has never left me. When Denise and I first met, 29 years ago, she noticed that I seemed to always have my foot tapping to some beat that no one else could hear. She decided that I was tapping to the rhythm of the Universe...but, I knew I was merely keeping time to the song that was going through my mind at the time, and would continue to be softly playing, at all hours of the day or night. I finally realized that this was my God's gift of music, the music energy that would drive me for all of my life. And when the music will I. The song will have been sung.

A life that has a purpose, is a life without boredom. There is always a challenge to meet, another adventure to share....another song to sing.

Thank you Lord, for creating me with the purpose of Music.

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