Thursday, September 19, 2013

Weekly Recipe: Cinnamon Rolls (& lowfat version)

1/2 c. warm water
1 tsp. sugar
2 pkg. yeast
1 1/2 c. milk; scalded
2 eggs; slightly beaten
1/2 c.  shortening or margarine
1 tsp. salt
1/2 c. sugar
7 c. flour (approx.)

1/2 c. margarine; melted
2 Tbs. cinnamon
2/3 c. brown sugar

Mix warm water, yeast, and 1 tsp. sugar in a 2 cup measuring cup.  Stir and set aside to raise. 

Mix together sugar, shortening, salt and milk.  Stir to soften shortening and add eggs and yeast.  Gradually add flour to make a soft dough. 

Turn out on lightly floured board and work in enough flour to make a soft dough.  Place in greased bowl, cover and let raise.  Mix down and let raise again.  Divide dough in half, roll each piece in a 12x15" rectangle.  Spread with oleo, and sprinkle with half the cinnamon and brown sugar. 

Roll up starting at wide side of the rectangle.  Cut in 1 1/2" slices and place on greased cookie sheet, bake at 350ºF for 15-20 minutes.  Remove and cool on racks.   Ice while warm.

Substitute the following ingredients to make these rolls lower in fat.
  1)  Use skim or 1/2% milk in place of whole milk.
  2)  Use 1/2 c. egg substitute in place of 2 eggs.
  3)  Use 1/2 c. canola oil in place of 1/2 c. shortening.
  4)  Use fat-free or low-fat margarine in place or regular margarine for brushing on dough.

Serving Size:
Approximately 2 dozen.

Serving Ideas:
Make a powdered sugar icing  and place on warm rolls.  You can use maple icing topped with chopped nuts or vanilla icing topped with chopped nuts and cherries.

*These rolls freeze well and it is a way to keep them fresh.  Remove from freezer and pop in microwave for a few seconds for a warm fresh roll.*

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