Monday, July 8, 2013

Stan Hitchcock-View From The Front Porch-June 29, 2013

Well now, let me tell you, it don't get any better than this morning at 61 degrees, bright sunshine coming through the Sycamores by the creek, a very light breeze stirring the leaves ever so gently. When you have one of these mornings, in Tennessee, close to the month of run outside to breathe it all in so as not to miss any of it.

Life is so precious, and should be pursued with vigor and excitement. Sure, everyone has their off days, when it is hard to bounce back, when you can't quite get'er up to speed and rock on down the road. But, instead of letting whatever the challenge might be, get you down and out, we have to push beyond the aches, the pains, the losses, the heartbreak...and let that sunshine back into your life.

When we got back home from our trip, we had a message that told Denise that one of our friends, who she works with on the Board of Cragfont, the wonderful historic pioneer home in Sumner County, had a Granddaughter who committed suicide this week. The Granddaughter lived out of State and we had never met her, but our friends grief has got to be massive. Then, yesterday, one of the Facebook friends mentioned that he had seen a video on You Tube of me introducing Mel Street on a show back in the 70's...and again I am reminded of the senseless act of personally ending more chances to heal, no getting better, no time to make things right, no opportunities to ask God to put your life bak together. But, listen, you may say, you don't know what that person was going through. That is correct..but, I do know of several of my friends that are going through a heck of a lot more, and choose to fight the depression and start over, and over, and how many more overs it takes to get to the other side of any problem.

As far as I am concerned, Denise and I got through the worse tragedy that can occur in any parents life...the loss of a child. There is no greater grief, so I speak from experience, and tell you that trouble or disease is not a reason to take your own life.

One of my grand examples of not letting life's tragedies defeat you and put you in the ground is my friend, Tommy McConnell, of Dallas, Texas. Everyone in Classic Country Music knows and loves Tom. For many years, he was living in Nashville, and as deep into the business of country music as anyone I know. He worked promotion for songwriters and artists, and was responsible for many of them having success, including myself. Tommy had a wonderful wife who he loves with all his heart. Tommy lost his life mate to cancer several years took him to his knees, but he got back up...only to develop cancer himself. He fought that devil disease to a standstill...only to develop another kind of cancer...he's still fighting that with his indomitable fighting spirit. But, here is the kicker, Tommy McConnell is the most cheerful and encouraging individual I have ever met. He can walk into a room and light it up. He is more concerned about other people and what they may be going through, than his own losses and pains. Every time I ask him, "Tom, how ya doing my friend?", he always answers the same, "Oh, I'm fine, man." And, that may be the lesson here. Living a life caring about other people, a life of "joy of service", involved in the human struggle, more for others than yourself. That is what our Christian Faith teaches us to do, and I believe it the answer to long and happy lives.

I have many friends who are fighting the same fight, and I see the example, over and over, of unselfish love for other people. It strengthens my resolve, and I pray, whatever comes in my life, that I can be a "Tommy McConnell" in attitude and practice. Below is a picture example of smiling through friend, Tommy McConnell.

God, give me the joy of life, every day that you gift me with another one. Thank you for the blessings of family and friends, for a life of loneliness is the cruelest disease of all, it takes away the very spirit that keeps a person going....against all tribulations. Thank you Lord, for love.

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