Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Stan Hitchcock-View From The Front Porch-July 30, 2013

As anyone that knows me will tell you, Hitchcock loves songwriters. The craft of putting words together with a melody to be able to tell a story in a song….now that is a God given talent. Let me tell you about my favorite songwriter. You know him well, you probably studied his songs (Psalms) in Sunday School when you were little. I know I did…..

In all the Bible, David is my favorite, because he was the first songwriter, instrument builder and musician who was specially loved by God. He was also very human and vulnerable to temptation and sin. I can relate to that, the creativity, the praise singing, the temptation and the terrible mistakes that any man or woman can make in life’s journey. The important part to remember is this, David made some terrible mistakes and choices, and he paid a dreadful price, but he was forgiven and blessed immeasurably. God chose a little shepherd boy to become Israel’s champion against Goliath, King to unite the tribes of Israel, to become Solomon’s father, and the heredity link to Jesus Christ, centuries later. David’s Psalms, or songs, were full of heartache, guilt, forgiveness and praise and I find such comfort in them.

Psalm 23, King James

The Lord Is My Shepherd, I shall not want….

I have been down, I’ve been broke, I’ve wondered how in the world I was gonna make it, but I have never been in “Want”, God has always provided my needs for survival, and blessed me in ways I could not even imagine.

He makes me to lie down in green pastures….

When David wrote this Psalm, he, of course, was living in an arid, desert area. A green pasture was akin to paradise, or an oasis. I can just picture the relief of the lush grass and shelter from the heat.

He leads me beside the still waters…..

The deep water is always still, after the strong currents have swept over the rapids. Symbolic of the calm after the turmoil of whatever you are going through at the time.

He restores my soul….

There is no greater feeling then the feeling of the Holy Spirit, as it washes over you in such restorative power, and gives you strength to forge on.

He leads me in the paths of righteousness, for His names sake….

When your life is in Sync with God’s plan for you, and you have a genuine personal relationship with the Savior, everything seems to fall in place and fit together seamlessly.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me,Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me.

Never again shall I fear the monster in the closet, the impending doom of some terrible disease, the walk that we all have to take at some time…for I am not alone.

You prepare a table before me, in the presence of my enemies, You anoint my head with oil, my cup runneth over…..

As God blesses you, and continues to supply your needs, those that would want to do you harm, are frustrated and confused, as God pours out precious oil (the ultimate symbol of love and honor in ancient times) of blessings, far more than we ever imagine. Not gold and silver, but the Peace that passes all understanding, something your enemies can never take from you.

Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me, all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the House of the Lord, forever.

This is the ultimate promise that makes all the trials and tribulations you might face, bearable. To accept this verse, in it’s total reality, and live by it….is the only true success we ever need to find. We are all, just a breath away from our Forever Home, and to not choose to accept the gift of the Right Address For Eternity is just inconceivable.

I love to go through these verses, just like, in the 1950’s, I used to like to go through words of songs in my Country Song Roundup magazines, to break them down for deeper understanding of what the writer was thinking, or experiencing, at the time of writing. Of course, I believe that the Lord put the words in David’s mind, but I also believe that the Lord puts songs in modern songwriters minds. And, I believe He gives some singers a special voice to sing them. You’d have a hard time convincing me that Vern Gosdin, Bill Anderson, Guy Clark, Marty Robbins and Mickey Newbury did not have a “Special” gift from God, to write and sing the songs that they were given the Inspiration for.

Lord bless and keep us all safe, and use us for good, as the dawn breaks across the mountains, on this, another blessed day of life.


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