Thursday, August 8, 2013

Stan Hitchcock-View From The River Bank-August 8, 2013

In the early 1970's, Chuck Lowrance was working as a Country DJ in Witchita, Kansas. Hap Pebbles had booked Kitty Wells and Johnnie Wright on a package show in Witchita and Chuck was the master of ceremonies. That night of the show, was Johnnie's birthday. Hap had a big birthday cake made for Johnnie, to present to him onstage so everyone could sing "Happy Birthday". Chuck was back in their dressing room talking to Kitty and Johnnie, and it was time to bring them on for their big show. Kitty turned to Johnnie and said, "John, hurry up and get your boots on, it's almost time to go onstage!" Chuck had walked out and was introducing Kitty and Johnnie. Johnnie, in a big hurry to get his boots on, sat down quickly in a chair behind him. And right into the middle of the big birthday cake..."And now here they are, Kitty Wells and Johnnie Wright!!!"

Johnnie Wright ran out on stage and up to the microphone with birthday cake all over his rear end and back...Marty Robbins, in the wings got so tickled laughing at Johnnie that he went back and sat in the cake and came out on stage to join Johnnie...both of them covered in birthday cake, and laughing so hard they couldn't sing for awhile.

Just one of the stories that Chuck Lowrance and I have laughed about, and talked about for the past three days, when country music was full of genuine characters, with a sense of humor and good times, and friendship that they shared their whole lives.

I consider myself to be blessed, to have lived and shared the times of the 50's, 60's and 70's, when we all were young, the music was new....and we thought the Road would go on forever and ever. And, in a way, I guess it did...and now this is the Forever time. I miss it.   -Stan


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