Monday, September 9, 2013

Stan Hitchcock-View From The Front Porch-September 4, 2013

The cool morning stillness is broken by a herd of dad blamed crows that have setup in the Sycamores along the creek. They can be so loud and annoying, to every living creature around, and to the old timer having his coffee on the porch of the farm h ouse. Yep, I say herd of crows, cause flock is just too soft a word for those rascals. Whenever they take a break in their cawing, a neighbors jackass brays to take up the slack. Man, where is the Mockingbird when I really need him?

We are being overcome by noise pollution this morning. It's the country version of driving in some town, and someone pulls up next to you at a red light, windows down, stereo turned full blast, bass sending shock waves and shaking your car, and that incomprehensible sound of Rap or Hip Hop assaulting your ears....ah yes, how sweet it is. When that happens, in my secret heart of hearts, you almost wish you had a giant stereo system...speakers big as refrigerators...aimed at the Idiot's car next to reach down and flick a switch...Ralph Stanley and the Clinch Mountain Boys come on with such volume and force that it blows the guys car a block down the street...he ends up sitting in the middle of the street with his hands over his ears screaming...NO! NO! NO! Not Banjo Music! AIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!! And you drive away with a smile of satisfaction on your hillbilly face. But, other than that, it's a fine new day a'dawning.
Been working on a video presentation of some of my songwriting friends that have appeared on Heart to Heart through the years, to use in a performance that I am doing in LaCrosse, Wisconsin, at the Robins Nest, Wednesday, October 9th, for Dan Berger and his Songwriting Group, and anyone else that cares to come. Dan called last night and said that advance ticket sales are going pretty good and we should have a good bunch of folks to enjoy. I only do a very few songwriter shows each year, so I am looking forward to meeting everyone and having a good evening.

Well, I believe I'll go out to the barn and get to work on my giant stereo system...that idea is looking better and better....since it seems that every time I go into town to get something, and stop at a red light...I get that BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! bass line from some rapperhiphopper...that cracks windows, shakes leaves off trees, and does collateral damage to every ear in a five block area...I just need to get revenge one time...just a little Ralph, to shock them back to sanity. Uh huh, about one verse of "Little Maggie" ought to do it.

Come to think of it, Bill Monroe used to have a PA set hooked up to his 40's tricked out Limo, that they traveled in before buses, had these big metal PA speakers bolted to the top of it...he would drive through the town where they were appearing that night and tell everyone, through a mike hooked up over his steering wheel..."Come on out and hear Bill Monroe and the Bluegrass Boys, playing tonight at the High School auditorium...come one, come all...only 50 cents at the door" And they would come out in droves to see this great man and his music.

So, there you go....what goes around comes around.


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